誰かが捨てた街角で 【lyric / credit】

5曲入EP rhyme cycle / AGO23より、"誰かが捨てた街角で"のlyricとcreditを公開!


ダンススタジオ富良野Smile Factory 舞台公演"Essence Vol.3"使用曲

lyric : AGO23 prod.AGO23 翻訳 : Masaya Kato

旅立つ仲間 あからさまにゃ 涙は流さんよまたな

儚いフリしても咲かない藤 祈ってるだけならば宝クジ

中休みの校庭みたいなもんさ それぞれ走り未来を持った

時代の王者? 期待のモンスター? それとも田舎の1人のおっさん?

どれがどうダサくどれがcool? なんてタンポポ綿みたく飛んでく

呑んで喰うだけのループじゃなく 笑う 語る バトンを渡すなら


だからこそ 高鳴らす胸 耕そうと思う

旅立つあの子に「何もない」 って言われた街から愛を歌う


誰かに言わせりゃ「何もない」 誰かに言わせりゃ「何かがある」

擦り合わせるより積み重ねる 今までと幸せ

景色の移り変わり シャッター街の向かい 輝く並木

瞬く星に願うより 根付く何か撒かなきゃな

スマホ眺める 澄ました顔 通過した過去のタイムライン


気がするけど実際んとこどう? ほころぶfaceってのはどこ? ちょうど

どこの子だろうとhelloと声かけるかのよな 朗らかな地域がゆえ

どこか甘く 喉が乾く 外羽ばたく それも分かる けど

近所のおっちゃんとラジオ体操 そんな日にも愛を

先の見えぬ時代ん中で でも実際 人生は1回で

ふっと きっかけ期待してる だけならば危険な気がしてる

ひた走り 世界を知り 街を知り 自分を知り

siriに聞いても答えちゃくれず ならば拗ねず 自分の胸に聞く

沸き立つ感情を「何もない」 と知らぬふりをせず前を見た

嫌んなって泣いたって 階段は上がんない だから働いた ただ笑わせたいんだ


擦り合わせるより積み重ねる 今までと幸せ



地方じゃねぇ 街の名がある

Friends leaving this town for their dreams, see you later, I won’t cry so easily

Wisteria ephemerally teasing the time to bloom,

if you just sit there and wishing for it, all the chances turn into lotteries.

It’s like after lunch school yard, everybody running holding their futures

The king of the generation? Next big monster? Or just a middle-aged man in rural?

What’s lame and what’s cool? The question flies like dandelion fluff

I don’t wanna stuck in the drinking and eating loop, I wanna laugh, I wanna talk.

Batons I give to the next

They are all shabby and so precious I had this conversation with my bros yesterday.

That’s why I cultivate my heart that beating louder and louder.

I sing her love from the town once she said “there is nothing here”

You have champagne in the city, but we have mountain herb Tempura in this town

For someone there is nothing, for us we have something here

I don’t compromise, I pile up experiences and happiness

Townscape changes over time, Shattered street, across the road, lined shinning trees

Wishing for a shooting star? I rather plant seeds that will eventually root this town

Staring at a smartphone with stuck up face, all the timelines have gone

“What are they up to?” This phrase doesn’t come up to my mind lately,

But what are they actually up to? Where can I find a bashful smile?

In my hood, everyone says hello to each other, I know the warmth

is sometimes bittersweet and dry, makes us wanna spread wings and fly somewhere

But don’t forget to love the chilling time with neighbors in a park, Gotta love the day like that

It gets harder and harder to see the future, but life happens only once

It’s risky to sit there and just waiting for a chance to come, I feel

I gotta rush to feel the world, to understand the town, and to meet myself

SIRI will never be able to answer my questions, just simply ask my soul

Don’t pretend like you don’t feel the rise of emotion

Whining and crying won’t help you go up higher, that’s why I hustle, I just wanna make you smile

If you ask me who, I’m proud to answer it’s this town

I don’t compromise, I pile up experiences and happiness

Famous sightseeing spots started hand made

It seems there is nothing in this rural town, but we got the name

Our town got the name

MV(Short Ver.)

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